70% Gurugram students benefit from E-learning and Distance learning modules

The Covid-19 lockdown resulted in the closing of schools across the country. In Gurugram, the students and teachers resorted to making the most of the digital platforms to ensure education does not suffer.
Seventy percent of students in Gurugram have benefited from online and distance learning initiatives launched by the Haryana government, the highest amongst its counterparts, revealed by the Education Department.
Deputy Commissioner Amit Khatri has praised and congratulated the officers and teachers of the education department in the district for this well thought of and highly commendable initiative. In the current scenario of the lockdown, numerable options are being explored for e-learning and children are being taught through effective mediums.

Further to EDUSAT classed on cable TV; Whatsapp, Zoom app and Youtube are also being used for teaching. There is daily feedback from students to further enhance the learning procedures & improve teaching methods.