Let’s Make Gurgaon Walkable!

Raahgiri Day, with the same spirit of advocating ‘Streets for All’ including safer and gender-inclusive streets, was celebrated
The two sessions to promote Walkshops witnessed the participation of various school students, RWAs, NGOs and volunteer groups. The Walk Shops organised in collaboration with World Resources Institute India, Raahgiri Foundation, Municipal Corporation Gurugram, FIA Foundation and Iam Gurgaon and SUBURB as Media Partner were a big rage among the residents.
The Walkshops intended to spread awareness among various communities about inclusive street design and identifying the significant issues by conducting short walks with kids and adults alike. The exercises included documenting road stretches while assessing different elements on the streets, followed by recording assessment maps and proposals. The event provided the opportunity to realise the importance of walkable and safer road.
While talking to the participants after the walk session, children expressed that they perceive the road space as a congested hub of machines and are also desiring to be respected while walking and cycling. Whereas other concerns expressed by participants include over speeding vehicles, no footpaths, pollution and lack of universal accessibility on the roads.
The highlight of 1st December Raahgiri Day was ‘Walk for Equity,’ that had car props, a bus, cyclists and pedestrians who were lined side by side along with users to demonstrate the ample car space occupied by private vehicles on the directly proportional road to the number of carbon emissions are emitted in the environment.
The two Raahgiri days brought forward talks by eminent professionals over health and sports, air pollution, green biodiversity, AIIDS and energy conservation. School kids presented street plays, NGO Breakthrough India and Janjaagriti distributed plants.
The Gurgaon Police Department wholeheartedly arranged for the two events with the Raahgiri Foundation and other partners that witnessed cultural performances, streets games, chalk art, drawing competition, photo booths, yoga, Zumba, Bhangra and many sports activities.
This coverage was first published in the print version of January 2020 issue.