G-Tarot: What does July have in store for you?

Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with several years of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Reiki, Osho Zen Tarot and Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one on one sessions contact: 9811128979 or write to sujatamalik@gmail.com.
What do the Tarot cards speak about us for July 2021? Sujata Malik shares her reading for the month.
Aries: 21st March – 20th April
Life is comfortable, easy and free-flowing and it is best to be satisfied with the ordinariness of day-to-day activities. If dissatisfaction arises, work your way with positive affirmations. This is the time when life will seem ordinary.
Angel message: Life is perfect just the way it is.
Taurus: 21st April – 21st May
It is comfortable for you to take on a task for others, allow all your positive qualities to integrate and support you as you set out to carry the burden of your loved ones. Do not stress; it’s a learning of a kind.
Angel Guidance: Allow others to take responsibility of themselves.
Gemini: 22nd May – 21st June
Your psychic ability and intuitive power are greatly enhanced at this time. Your gut feelings convey your heart’s desire. Allow yourself to touch the sky, keeping your feet deep into the earth.
Angel Guidance: Be silent and receive the messages from the divine.
Cancer: 22nd June – 22nd July
Every thought, action and word that comes into your awareness is a life experience. The highs and the lows that you are going through are only allowing you to connect to your soul purpose of your life.
Angel Guidance: Trust life and as it always unfolds for your highest and best.
Leo: 23rd July – 22nd August
The universe is providing a perfect platform for you to fulfil your life’s desires. The feeling of rejection or loneliness is only a construct of the mind. Step out and be open to abundant opportunities and avenues that are available to you right now.
Angel Guidance: The universe always has your back.
Virgo: 23rd August – 22nd September
A beautiful balance of situations and circumstances is presenting itself in life. It will help to look at any situation from the third person’s perspective. You only expand when you include the happiness of others in yours.
Angel Guidance: It is always in giving that you receive.

Libra: 23rd September – 22nd October
This month is the beginning of something new and exciting. You will feel accomplished in whatever action you decide to take. New opportunities might be knocking at your door so embrace them well.
Angel Guidance: It is time to take risks, so do so fearlessly.
Scorpio: 23rd October – 21st November
Drop all need to control and let the universe take over. Relax and enjoy the pleasures of life but be vigilant and focused on the present. Avoid distractions and be fully present.
Angel Guidance: It is time to take a break. Refresh, rejuvenate and bounce back.
Sagittarius: 22nd November – 21st December
You have chosen to walk on your own path, define those around you. Walk around confidently, silently, and you will reach your goal independently.
Angel Guidance: Trust your inner wisdom and listen to your deeper awareness.
Capricorn: 22nd December – 21st January
It is time for you to lift the victory torch. You have broken through conditioning and limiting beliefs; know that nothing can stop you from reaching your destination.
Angel Guidance: March ahead fearlessly; the angels are supporting you
Aquarius: 21st January – 19th February
There is a bright light shining within you, guiding you in every possible way. It tells you that the answers you are seeking are right within you. The disappointment you are feeling from your loved ones is only to tell you that you can go through the light single-handedly.
Angel Guidance: Trust yourself, as you know the answers that you are seeking for.
Pisces: 20th February- 20th March
It is time to open the parachute and take the leap. Your entire task is in completion, so it is time to enjoy the fruits of all your hard work. As a result, it aligns with your goal.
Angel Guidance: Don’t be afraid of falling as it is only teaching you to stand and run.
About the author: Sujata Malik is a mentor, corporate coach and spiritual guide. Join her to experience the energy vibration in her free Reiki session every Monday. To know the simple yet profound everyday life’s learnings and guidance to lead a life from an expanded space of self, attend her Sunday Conversations.
To know more about her programmes, Join The Zen circle on Facebook or visit www.whitesagewellness.in.