The essential tool to good parenting is instilling positivity and self-esteem in children. And that comes when parents practice positive communication.
Parenting can be exciting if innovative ways are used to raise kids. One of the essential methods of child rearing is good communication. Research has proven that positive communications help develop happy kids with a strong sense of self. Undeniably every child wants to be loved and needs appreciation. If you were to ask a dozen Indian parents, they would vouch that they regularly communicate with their kids- but how much of it is positive? Let us explore the possibilities.
Positive two-way communication is essential to build a child’s self-esteem. Children that are exposed to encouragement and praise develop into strong adults. If you establish clear and open communication in the early years with your child, you are laying the foundation for a happier future family unit. Good communication should be practised from as early as infancy.
A child’s ability to manage difficult times, be confident and have self-respect in later life has a lot to do with their early childhood experiences. This usually begins to develop between the ages of two and six years. Positive relationships between parents and children are essential in building a child’s positive self-confidence. A child that feels constantly blamed, judged and criticized may grow up to become an adult with negative thoughts about themselves.
“If a child lives with approval, he learns to live with himself.” Dorothy Law Nolte

Simple and effective parenting tools include:
Practice active listening with kids and pay attention to them. If you are ignoring your child and expecting it to listen to you consistently, this will not work. Listening is not the same as hearing.
- Understand the child’s feelings and watch the words and tone of your voice.
- Respect your child’s right to share their opinions, no matter how young they may be.
- Praise your children as much as possible and use a vocabulary of appreciation. Children who are appreciated for their excellent efforts reflect positivity in their interactions.
- Please make sure your children trust their abilities and have confidence in them.
- Praise not only the results but the efforts as well.
- Discipline should not mean punishment or reprimand; it should be interpreted as training to improve behaviour.
- Believe and practice constructive feedback to improve and develop the child rather than a way to find mistakes and blame.
- Practice non-verbal communication as well. Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
- As much as possible, use the powerful” Smile“. A child will respond better to a smile rather than a glare.
- The tonality of voice is as vital while speaking to a child.
- Hug your child as often as possible
- Humility is the key to happiness and peace; practice this with children and see them respond instantly.
- It is important to note that positive communication is not a one-off action but a way of living. It can bring positivity and happiness to families and help them raise happy and positive kids for society.
Puneet Rathi is a certified parenting and life coach. He is an NLP Practitioner with 20 years of experience.