So Many Books, So Little Time

Book lovers seem on the verge of extinction. In a world teeming with the virtual reality, the charm of reading words in black & white appear ancient or even redundant to the modern age children and their fast-paced parents. Then why read books?
Book lovers seem on the verge of extinction. In a world teeming with the virtual reality, the charm of reading words in black & white appear ancient or even redundant to the modern age children and their fast-paced parents. Then why read books?
In the new age of digital media with a fast-paced life, ‘why spend hours decoding words on a page when you can indulge in an instant experience?’ Watching a film comes much more straightforward a thing to do than reading a book.
To me, reading is about taking time away from the crazy, rat-race of our world and entering a world of me, myself and I. Away from the burdens of society, relationships, career goals, and the constant need to plan out my life, I can escape into another world through the words of another. It is in this affordable retreat I can genuinely explore my views on life.
Books are just not a set of pages combined; they are the mystery of human creativity. Books play an essential role of a friend, philosopher and a guide in life. They are the manure for mind stimulation.
Builds EQ, The Need of The Hour
At the same time, books do not always give a rosy picture of the world, they are a reflection of the society, filled with grim realities of life. However, there’s comfort in knowing that a life story doesn’t have to be utterly blissful to be meaningful and that every human emotion has a value.
Books uncover bare truths; the reader establishes an emotional connect with the situation which ignites the imagination. Good writing give way to awaken the inner voice, calls for an action, thereby maturing the decision making skills.
It is in my lounge chair with those pages flipping and the smell of an old book that I discover who I am at my deepest level.
There’s an unusual, superior, more than the real wisdom that comes from feeling human emotions and journey through the eyes of another. So, in a technologically-advanced society, I think we all need to discover our inner bookworm to pace down the speed in life.
Books & Children
A child develops useful communication skills by witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books. As a parent, reading books to the child is the best quality time together that you can spend with your child. This way you not just bonding with your child but enable her learning through stories. Expose your children to the world of books; they will thank you for it.
This opinion piece was first published in the print version of SUBURB September 2019 issue.