Tarot Reading for September by the Tarot Master, Sujata Malik

Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with two decades of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one-on-one sessions, contact: 9811128979.
Aries (21st March-20th April)
Personal: This month, you possess an unwavering determination to achieve success and a deep self-worth. Put your plans into progress and action as soon as you can.
Finances: You might find yourself caught up in extra responsibilities and challenges. Expand your network, as it will lead to recognition and even promotion.
Travel: Expect a continuous influx of new places to explore and new people to meet. Global travel is on the cards.
Emotions: A delightful search for passion and romance is indicated with your partner. Communication will flow effortlessly, strengthening your relationships.
Health: Self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are most important. You may feel burnt out and restless, so be gentle and eat healthy.
Colour of the month: Orange | Lucky number: 6 | Cosmic tip: Continue the hard work while maintaining healthy boundaries.
Taurus (21st April-21st May)
Personal: It is wise to embrace discipline and maintain your composure, especially in pressure moments. Unexpected events might challenge you.
Finances: Embrace this period of career development with enthusiasm, and don’t hesitate to seize the chances that come your way. There is great success in your financial journey ahead.
Travel: Air travel is indicated both for personal and professional reasons. Travel light, comfortable, and enjoy the flight.
Emotions: Communication is vital in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Express yourself openly and honestly. Fostering trust and understanding.
Health: Enjoy yourself, and take good care, making it a priority. Enhance your resilience and overall quality of life; this is an investment for future happiness and success.
Colour of the month: Yellow | Lucky number: 4 | Cosmic tip: Take a step back and look at things from a new angle.
Gemini (22nd May-21st June)
Personal: Maintaining a positive outlook and showing commitment in your personal and professional journey is essential. Embrace new opportunities with sincerity.
Finances: They could be financial burdens, but don’t engage in taking loans. Balance your workload and collaborate to navigate through this period.
Travel: Chances of travelling for professional or business trips could lead to valuable experiences and monetary gains. Enjoyable outings with friends and loved ones are also indicated.
Emotions: This may be a time for self-discovery and personal growth before starting a romantic connection. It is essential to understand your feelings before downloading on others.
Health: Increased stress levels may take a toll on your mental health. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Prioritise self-care and take breaks when needed to recharge and rejuvenate.
Colour of the month: Fuchsia pink | Lucky number: 3 | Cosmic tip: Allow yourself to take calculated risks.
Cancer (22nd June-22nd July)
Personal: You are sensitive and easily influenced by others; hence, you may be affected by the current heated environment around you. You are capable of rising to the challenges taking the perfect action.
Finances: Get ready for a wave of motivation and ambition that will propel you forward with new projects and opportunities. Collaboration networking will open up new avenues for financial growth.
Travel: An outdoor adventure, which is fantastic and enlightening, is indicated. Excellent experience, which may deviate from your original plans, will take you to new places.
Emotions: Maintain balance and harmony in your relationships, addressing minor disagreements promptly with understanding. Cultivate empathy and a supportive attitude, bringing in joy and fulfilment.
Health: Keep physical and mental well-being your priority. Seek support from loved ones or professional counsellors to ensure your emotional, physical and psychological health. Remain resilient.
Colour of the month: Rose gold | Lucky number: 4 | Cosmic tip: Embrace joy and give yourself time and space.
Leo (23rd July-22nd August)
Personal: It is essential to keep your aggressiveness in check this month. Be mindful of your communication approach. Focus your energy on words; others may be too preoccupied to understand you.
Finances: Unexpected career opportunities and changes are coming your way. It is essential to be open-minded and adaptable. Feel deserving of better financial standings.
Travel: You might need to travel abroad for short periods, but remember that these will not be financially advantageous, so plan sensibly. Regular family outings for religious and leisure are indicated.
Emotions: Be prepared to attract intense and transformative connections. Exercise discernment and resist rushing into a relationship without fully grasping the dynamics. Be aware of emotional outbursts.
Health: Pay close attention to your diet, ensuring it nourishes and promotes overall well-being. Take the time to address emotional and psychological challenges that may surface.
Colour of the month: Green | Lucky number: 2 | Cosmic tip: It’s time to move on from the past and communicate more often finally.
Virgo (23rd August- 22nd September)
Personal: It is time to focus more of your energy on maintaining a healthy and harmonious home and family life. Address domestic issues and fulfil your household duties with responsibility and diligence.
Finances: This month is a time of financial growth, expansion, and new opportunities knocking at your door. Embrace these openings in your career, be mindful of deadlines and prioritise your tasks effectively.
Travel: Planning a business trip to a distant location along with some trips involving family and friends towards the end of the month is indicated. The new journey promises to be an enjoyable experience.
Emotions: An excellent time for selfless reflection, letting go of past relationships, learning from them and moving ahead with a clear vision is ideal. Explore your desires. Understand your emotions better to open to a fulfilling, romantic connection.
Health: Incorporating mindfulness and reducing techniques in your daily life will help you navigate any challenges due to increased work pressure and deadlines. This will help you in balancing and fulfilling life.
Colour of the month: Light green | Lucky number: 6 | Cosmic Tip: Embrace your flaws and drop all inhibitions.
Libra (23rd September-22nd October)
Personal: You may feel an excess of energy in your body. Your instinct is in full force; like a volcano ready to erupt, you have the power within you to make a significant impact. Be mindful of others feelings.
Finances: You will be acknowledged for your skill and dedication, leading to promotion and new responsibilities. Financial success is indicated in proportion to your professional growth.
Travel: Enhance your creativity with a short vacation to recharge and engage in some soul-searching activity. Solo trips to a destination of your choice could be excellent. Use this to unwind and explore and let your creativity flourish.
Emotions: The left front appears promising for you this month. A period of harmony and increased understanding with your partner will lead to strong bones. You are creating beautiful memories. Be patient and let things progress organically if you’re looking for marriage.
Health: Although you feel energetic and motivated, you must not push yourself too hard. Exercise regularly, practice mindfulness and prioritise a nutritious diet to sustain vitality.
Colour of the month: Teal | Lucky Number: 7 |Cosmic Tip: Always have a backup plan for yourself this month.
Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)
Personal: Being overly rigid and inflexible would be unwise this month. Embrace new opportunities and possibilities as new avenues through your off-board.
Finances: Remaining adaptable and open to change will be helpful and unexpected but may lead to new career development and significant financial gains. Embrace the challenges with a positive mind-set and be open to taking risks.
Travel: Your current state of mind invokes many travel plans, even though your heart wants to stay home. Relaxing and rejuvenating holidays are the best to release stress-inducing concerns.
Emotions: This month is a chance for emotional healing and relationship growth. Intense discussions and deep understanding will strengthen your bones and increase intimacy with your partner.
Health: The health horoscope advises you to make time for activities that bring you joy and help you unwind. Stay tuned to your energy levels and listen to your body signals.
Colour of the month: Blue | Lucky number: 1 | Cosmic tip: Use the vastness of the universe as a reminder of infinite opportunities to be kind.
Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)
Personal: Stay composed and level-headed this month, as you may face scrutiny for unknown reasons. You can focus on your motivation and aspirations without feeling the need to share all your interests.
Finances: This month brings exciting career prospects with opportunities for growth and advancement. New projects and responsibilities will lead to tremendous enthusiasm, confidence, recognition, and abundance.
Travel: Traveling overseas for vocational pursuits with therapeutic retreats is indicated. Embrace travel opportunities for personal and professional reasons, exploring new places and opportunities.
Emotions: You may be withdrawn, and sudden emotions may make you restless. Use this to understand yourself and your connections with love more deeply.
Health: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your routine to calm your mind and reduce stress. Nourish your body with a healthier, nutritious diet to support your overall well-being. Health is good.
Colour of the month: Indigo | Lucky number: 9 | Cosmic tip: Welcome the blossoming and have complete confidence in all your relationships.
Capricorn (22nd December-21st January)
Personal: This month may present you with some challenging situations where no one seems willing to compromise from the current position. You could be dealing with complex mental and emotional issues. You may be the one who would need to compromise.
Finances: Your hard work and dedication will open new doors for further advancement and success. Embrace leadership roles, as this will lead to financial success.
Travel: Traveling to different destinations for a short holiday with friends and families will add the funds back to this month. New memories will be created along the way, adding value to your life.
Emotions: Love may surprise you when you least expect it, so remain receptive to a meaningful connection coming your way. Be open-hearted and willing to take a chance, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the love that enters your life.
Health: Finding balance and dedicating time to yourself is crucial. Remember to address your mental well-being and seek support from loved ones or professionals if you ever feel overwhelmed.
Colour of the month: Blue | Lucky number: 2 | Cosmic tip: Know that everything happens for a reason, and have faith in life.
Aquarius (21st January-19th February)
Personal: You will find individuals coming to you with great force, but fear not; you are ready to meet them with an equally forceful response. Take a moment to step back from your platform and pay attention to the core problem.
Finances: Your exceptional ideas and innovative thinking are said to gain recognition and appreciation from superiors and colleagues. It is a favourable month to step into leadership roles and initiate new projects. This will lead to financial success.
Travel: It would be good to explore short trips, such as a vacation or a weekend getaway to a religious destination. A brief business trip is also indicated.
Emotions: The perfect month to delve deep into your relationship and nurture your bond with your partner. Trust your instincts and listen to your heart; it will guide you into understanding your emotions and relationships.
Health: Be prepared for potential changes in both your physical and emotional well-being. The month is full of stress and transformations. Hence, seek support to navigate any emotional turbulence.
Colour of the month: Yellow | Lucky number: 6 | Cosmic tip: Stay in the moment and believe in your strengths.
Pisces (20th February-20th March)
Personal: Finding balance will be a challenging task this month. Embrace the opportunities that arise and actively participate in the resolution process. Use your excellent communication skills to resolve conflicts.
Finances: Embrace your creative side and trust your intuition when making career-related decisions; allow your instincts to guide you towards a genuine and fulfilling path. Be sensible and balance finance-related issues logically.
Travel: Embark on a world journey as the planets are guiding you. Consider taking short trolls each day, allowing yourself to explore new paths. Use this opportunity to connect with family and discover new places.
Emotions: Emotional upheavals present challenges and opportunities for growth this month in all your relationships. Approach any undeserved issues or conflicts with compassion and understanding. There is a chance for emotional healing and fortifying the bond you share.
Health: This month calls for rest, rejuvenation, and self-reflection. Be mindful of your emotional state and practice self-compassion. Engage in activities that bring you joy and foster inner peace. Prioritise emotional and physical health.
Colour of the month: Brown | Lucky number: 8 | Cosmic tip: Open up your creative side and pursue your passion.