G-Tarot: What Does August Have In Store For You?

Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with several years of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Reiki, Osho Zen Tarot and Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one on one sessions contact: 9811128979 or write to sujatamalik@gmail.com.
What do the Tarot cards speak about us for August 2021? Sujata Malik shares her reading for the month.
Aries: 21st March – 20th April
It’s a time of major shifts and changes in time where reflection and contemplation are necessary. It’s therefore important for you to be silent and just allow some time to pass away as you enter into this new wonderful phase of time.
Guidance from angels: Trust in the divine timing
Taurus: 21st April – 21st May
Life is a big illusion and you will see this in the current month. You may feel extreme and deep emotions overpowering you. These moments will only help you to deepen your intuition and trust your instincts.
Guidance from angels: Let nature carry you forward.
Gemini: 22nd May – 21st June
It’s time to bring in balance and integrate all of your assets. You may be surrounded by mighty conflicting situations but you will make your way out with moderation and maintaining a balance.
Guidance from angels: Be adaptable and see both sides of an argument.
Cancer: 22nd June – 22nd July
You are now ready to make the next move. All your hard work in past has been paid off, so stop and look around. Allow yourself to receive the awards as you meet your goals.
Guidance from angels: Be open to different approaches if you have the opportunity now.
Leo: 23rd July – 22nd August
This month many things that don’t serve you anymore are going to fall off. They may seem like forced changes but will eventually work out well in your favor.
Guidance from angels: Don’t worry if one door closes as another door opens instantly.
Virgo: 23rd August – 22nd September
It’s time for unexpected changes and twist of fate. A time of great change is awaiting you. It’s important for you to keep center in the midst of all the turmoil knowing that it is helping you to move towards freedom.
Guidance from angels: Make the most of the good times but let go the moments easily too.

Libra: 23rd September – 22nd October
You can find yourself concentrating on long term and permanent solutions to issues in your life. You will be surrounded by prosperity, wealth, affluence and success.
Guidance from angels: Now is the time to create an everlasting and deep foundation.
Scorpio: 23rd October – 21st November
The universe is playing fair and you will get whatever you deserve whether you like it or not. Do not cut corners or be sneaky. Focus on bringing equilibrium in your life.
Guidance from angels: Do not compromise on your values.
Sagittarius: 22nd November – 21st December
Open yourself to success and good luck, you are at the right place at the right time. So do not miss your chance.
Guidance from angels: Changes are on the card so be open to them.
Capricorn: 22nd December – 21st January
All is well and the general vibration is of celebration. It is a sign of good time, good luck and general satisfaction. Business is doing well and relationships are in your favor too.
Guidance from angels: Eat, drink and be merry.
Aquarius: 21st January – 19th February
This month welcomes you with sudden unexpected changes not necessarily unfortunate in the long run but disappointing when experienced. There is an indication of some losses rather than gains.
Guidance from angels: Remember it is the darkest before dawn.
Pisces: 20th February- 20th March
Open yourself to new relationships in all areas of your life be it love, fashion, friendship, affinity or union. All are working towards opening up your heart chakra.
Guidance from angels: Give love, receive love and become love.
About the author: Sujata Malik is a mentor, corporate coach and spiritual guide. Join her to experience the energy vibration in her free Reiki session every Monday. To know the simple yet profound everyday life’s learnings and guidance to lead a life from an expanded space of self, attend her Sunday Conversations.
To know more about her programmes, Join The Zen circle on Facebook or visit www.whitesagewellness.in.