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Unlock Your Destiny: Exploring Tarot Cards for July 2024


Sujata Malik, a seasoned therapist with over two decades of experience in various energy healing modalities, offers her Tarot insights. Sujata’s expertise includes Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy, and more. For personalised one-on-one sessions, you can reach out to her at 9811128979

Aries – Mar 21 – Apr 19


The cosmos is aligning in favour of your relationships. As the days unfold, you’ll gravitate towards past connections that once held great significance in your life. 


The professional sphere is buzzing with new opportunities, particularly those centred around group projects or partnerships, beckon. Financial gains have come to you.


Whether planning a short weekend getaway or dreaming of exotic overseas adventures, travel offers relaxation and intellectual stimulation.


Emotional tides might run high, but therein lies their beauty.  Write, paint, sing, or meditate.  Seek them out and let them heal and inspire.


Health becomes a paramount concern. The universe strongly suggests intertwining physical activities with mental relaxation exercises. 

Colour of the month: Orange | Lucky Number: 7

Cosmic Tip : Embrace your cosmic weirdness. The universe loves originality.

Taurus – Apr 20 – May 20


The cosmos smiles upon your love life. Deal with all relationships with wisdom. Family dynamics could shift, bringing reconciliations or necessary distances to restore balance.


The winds of change are blowing in your professional arena. Be open to new opportunities, whether a job change, a new project, or collaboration. Your innovative ideas will get the recognition they deserve. 


Nature calls out to you. Whether it’s the mountains, forests, or the ocean, immersing yourself in natural settings can be profoundly rejuvenating. 


This month, you’ll ride an emotional roller coaster. While there are peaks of joy and contentment, valleys of self-doubt might also emerge. Be gentle with yourself, and seek counsel if necessary.


Your energy levels are set to soar, but with great energy comes the responsibility of proper channelling. Incorporate a balanced cardio and strength training routine. Yoga or Pilates can also be excellent.

Colour of the month: Red | Lucky Number: 8

Cosmic Tip: Ground yourself so hard that even a meteor can’t shake you.

Gemini May 21 – Jun 20


The theme for this month is “reconnection.” Past and present relationships will be the cornerstone of your experiences. There’s a cosmic nudge towards making amends, healing old wounds, and rekindling connections that have faded over time. 


This month signals a period of growth and expansion in your career. New projects or assignments coming your way are not just opportunities for financial growth but also personal development. Be open to learning and absorbing as much as you can. 


Travel, whether for leisure or work, may be on the horizon. The stars suggest any journey this month will bring enlightenment and a fresh perspective. 


You’ll find yourself on an introspective journey. Delve deep into your feelings, understanding the root of your emotions and addressing any unresolved issues. Dreaming and daydreaming will be frequent.


Nourishing your body and spirit is paramount. Integrate wholesome foods rich in nutrients into your diet and explore activities that cultivate inner peace. These could be yoga, tai chi, or even simple breathing exercises. 

Colours of the month: Coral | Lucky Number: 7

Cosmic Tip: Time heals all unless you’re near a black hole. 

Cancer- Jun 21 – Jul 22


This month brings a kaleidoscope of emotions predominantly centred around your closest relationships. Past unresolved issues may resurface, demanding attention and closure. 


The professional front might initially feel a tad challenging, with unexpected hiccups or obstacles. However, these are mere stepping stones leading to greater success. Persistence is key. 


The winds of adventure call out to you. Nature is incredibly healing, so camping trips or hikes can rejuvenate you. 


Like the ebb and flow of the ocean, your emotional state may fluctuate. Embrace each wave, whether it brings joy, melancholy, excitement, or introspection. 


Your well-being comes into sharp focus. While taking care of your physical health is essential, this month, give equal attention to your mental and emotional states. 

Colour of the month: Mango Tango | Lucky Number: 2

Cosmic Tip: Channel cosmic vibrations. They’re ripples from the Creator’s touch.

Leo-Jul 23 – Aug 22


This month shines a spotlight on the home front. Embrace the opportunity to strengthen bonds with family members and close friends. The memories you create during this period will hold special significance for years. 


This is the perfect time to refine or learn new skills, ensuring you stay ahead in your professional sphere. New contacts could open doors to unforeseen opportunities.  Be ready to seize them.


The stars indicate that a sudden, unexpected travel opportunity may arise. If it aligns with your circumstances, leap. This trip could possibly be to a destination you’ve never travelled to. Travelling is opening new horizons.


Emotional waters might be a bit turbulent. On some days, waves of joy will sweep you, while a storm of introspection might brew on others. It’s essential to remain anchored in self-awareness.


Your mental space craves calm; find solace in practices such as guided meditations or peaceful nature walks. Listening to your body’s cues is essential. If it asks for rest, honour that request.

Colour of the month: Sea Green | Lucky Number: 8

Cosmic Tip: With every hardship, our connection to the universe deepens.

Virgo – Aug 23 – Sep 22


Relationship bonds are set to strengthen. If you’re in a partnership, deeper levels of understanding and mutual respect will emerge, enriching the connection. 


It’s a month of growth and advancement. Opportunities to expand your horizons, both in terms of skill set and responsibilities, are likely. Networking will play a pivotal role.


Exploring new cultures and traditions beckons you. If international travel isn’t possible, consider indulging in cultural activities or events locally. 


You’ll find yourself introspecting more than usual emotionally. This period of self-reflection will be beneficial in the long run, helping you align more closely with your true self. 


Vigilance is your keyword this month. Although no significant concerns loom, slight imbalances can crop up if you neglect daily routines—Prioritise sleep.

Colour of the month: Peach | Lucky Number: 3

Cosmic Tip: Connect with cosmic guides or entities for wisdom.

Libra- Sep 23 – Oct 22


Your charisma and allure are heightened, drawing others closer to you. While this magnetic pull can lead to exhilarating experiences, staying grounded is crucial. 


Professional endeavours will require a meticulous approach. This is not a month to skim over details or make hasty decisions. Instead, it’s a time for planning and laying down foundations.


If wanderlust calls, it might lead you to destinations that offer a blend of adventure and relaxation. Think mountain treks ending in luxurious spa retreats.


Emotional intelligence will be your superpower this month. The ability to read situations and people will guide you in personal and professional spheres. 


Your energy levels will fluctuate significantly. To maintain a balance, adopt a structured daily routine and incorporate activities that engage both the mind and body. 

Colour of the month: Brown | Lucky Numbers: 4

Cosmic Tip: The universe smiles when families bond in love.

Scorpio- Oct 23 – Nov 21


Relationships are at the forefront this month. Those in partnerships might encounter moments of rediscovery, rekindling passions, and addressing unresolved issues. 


Challenges in the professional realm are imminent, but they come bearing lessons. Navigate them with a combination of patience and assertiveness. 


Urban landscapes beckon you this month. Exploring new cities, with their blend of historical charm and modern vibrancy, can be enlightening. 


Moments of emotional introspection, nostalgia, and deep revelations might occur. Embrace these feelings; they’re guiding you towards inner healing. 


Nutritional choices are crucial to your well-being; aim for balanced meals. Mental health deserves attention. Consider meditation or therapy for emotional equilibrium.

Colour of the month: Gray | Lucky Number: 5

Cosmic Tip: Treasure friendships are cosmic notes in life’s symphony.

Sagittarius- Nov 22 – Dec 22


Love and personal connections take on a dreamy hue this month.  Communication will be crucial. Speak your truth, but also cultivate the art of active listening.


This is a phase of strategic growth. While immediate rewards might seem elusive, understand that your efforts set the groundwork for future success. Collaborations present beneficial opportunities.


The stars suggest that water bodies, be they beaches, lakes, or rivers, hold a unique charm for you this month. A trip near the water can rejuvenate you and offer adventure and relaxation. 


Emotionally, you’ll find yourself on a roller coaster. While high moments will leave you ecstatic, lows can make you reflect. Embrace this emotional journey.


A sense of tranquillity envelops you, making it an ideal mental and emotional detox time. Engage in mindfulness practices such as yoga and deep breathing exercises.

Colour of the month: Ivory | Lucky Number: 4

Cosmic Tip: Good karma is the universe’s way of blessing

Capricorn-Dec 22 – Jan 19


A gentle breeze of change wafts into your sphere this month, urging you to re-evaluate certain relationships and commitments. It’s a time of deep reflection and, perhaps, realignments. 


Creativity will be your biggest ally in professional pursuits. You’re encouraged to think creatively, proposing fresh ideas and initiatives.  Around the third week, you may stumble upon a unique opportunity or partnership. 


Wanderlust may strike fervently, urging you to explore new terrains and cultures. Plan a getaway towards the latter part of the month if you can.


Your emotional landscape is vast and varied this month. Allow yourself to feel deeply without judgment. Turning to artistic outlets, such as painting or music, can be an excellent way to express and process these feelings.


The mantra for the month is prioritizing self-care. There’s a strong emphasis on mental well-being, so activities that centre and ground you, like yoga or journaling, will be immensely beneficial. 

Colour of the month: Black | Lucky Numbers of the month: 6

Cosmic Tip: Harness the power of the internal cosmos for growth.

Aquarius- Jan 20 – Feb 18


This month brings moments of introspection. As you reflect on relationships, you’ll recognise patterns that serve or hinder growth. Open conversations may lead to deeper bonds with loved ones. 


Work situations might challenge your adaptability. Embrace change, for it often leads to growth. Financially, careful planning is advised. Avoid hasty decisions and explore investment opportunities with diligence.


Exploration beckons; the journey promises rejuvenation and insights, whether it’s a local retreat or a distant land. Travel might also reconnect you with old friends.


Emotional waves can be intense. Grounding exercises and nature walks can help maintain equilibrium. Embrace your feelings, for they guide your intuition. Letting go of past hurts can be therapeutic and liberating.


A renewed interest in holistic wellness emerges. Explore modalities like yoga, meditation, or tai chi. Nutritional choices play a crucial role now, so consider consulting a nutritionist. Hydration is vital, as is balance.

Colour of the month: White | Lucky Number of the month: 3

Cosmic Tip: Embrace the universe’s beauty, sensing the Creator’s artistry.

PISCES-Feb 19 – Mar 20


This month, a burst of energy surges through you, urging you to reclaim control over your world. Relationships may demand an extra ounce of patience as misunderstandings arise. 


Steady progress is predicted at work. While you might not see immediate results, you’re laying the groundwork for future success. Financially, unexpected gains may arise. 


Journeys, both long and short, can bring enlightening experiences. Opt for destinations that promise both relaxation and adventure. 


Your emotional landscape may seem like a roller-coaster. To navigate through feelings, delve deeper into mindfulness practices or journaling. Seek support when necessary, and remember that vulnerability is okay.


Dedicate time to self-care; the energies encourage you to focus inward. Regular physical activity, even if mild, can bring both physical and mental benefits. Diet changes might yield positive effects. Ensure adequate sleep and avoid overexertion.

Colour of the month: Quartz Pink | Lucky Number of the month: 9

Cosmic Tip: Family dynamics can teach you a lot about yourself.

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