What do your Tarot Cards have in store for you this October?

What does the tarot say for all the zodiac signs in October? What are the lessons for you this month? Sujata Malik shares her reading with SUBURB.
Here is what the Osho Zen Tarot speaks about us for the month of October 2020
Aries: 21st March – 20th April
Sensitivity, intuition and compassion are virtues that will shine out this month. Open your arms and receive like an empty vessel. Let everything pass through you, receive it but don’t attach yourself to it.
Divine message for you: Receive as you deserve.
Taurus: 21st April – 21st May
You are being summoned by grace and freedom. Seniors are going to encourage you. So spread your wings and fly. Feel the fluttering within but don’t let it disturb or stop you .
Divine blessings for you: Discover and connect to your potential.
Gemini: 22nd May – 21st June
This is a time of communication between the dualities of life. We are the union of male and female,fire and water,life and death. Create your new life using all these strengths that lay dormant within you. Wake up!
Divine message for you: Integrate, assimilate and alchemise.
Cancer: 22nd June – 22nd July
Relax into the silence of ‘No thingness.’ Listen to the gap between the words. Currently, life may seem to lost or directionless, but know that the road will soon revel a beautiful destination.
Divine blessings for you: Something surreal may happen.
Leo: 23rd July – 22nd August
Harness the energy within and use it to create and not destroy. Let the identity dissolve. Anything you undertake now will bring enrichment to your life and to life of others around us. Have faith and move further.
Divine message for you: Count your blessings.
Virgo: 23rd August – 22nd September
Your mind has created lot of projections,so nothing is seeming clear in life. Drop judgements,perceptions and beliefs which mind has created without awareness.
Divine message for you: Balance and weigh your actions word and deeds.

Libra: 23rd September – 22nd October
Come out of all dreams and
face life in all earnestly. Don’t keep waiting for things to open up or for
someone to lay the red carpet for you! Get up and take all the necessary
actions yourself. Wake up from slumber.
Divine message for you: You are your
own biggest strength.
Scorpio: 23rd October- 21st November
Exhaustion is going to follow you through the month . Reserve your energy to move on with full awareness. Learn to say the NO in order to conserve your resources.
Divine blessings for you: Charge ahead like a soldier with full force!
Sagittarius: 22nd November- 21st December
You fill find yourself stuck between two situations and really don’t know what to let go off! Jump of the cliff and drop both. The universe will guide you. Don’t be in fear.
Divine blessings for you: Joy, bliss and inner peace.
Capricorn: 22nd December – 21st January
You need to drop all rigid ideas of good and bad, sinful and virtuous, acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral. Don’t let all these judgements of the mind limit you.
Divine blessings for you: Success, harmony, fulfillment.
Aquarius: 21st January – 19th February
Break your goals and targets into small steps. Each step accomplished is an achievement. Don’t wait to feel success only when you have fully completed the project.
Divine blessings for you: End all suffering of sadness,mourning and grief.
Pisces: 20th February – 20th March
Enough of compromising and adjustments. Breakout of all these bondages of conditioning and connect to your inner deepest potential. Go out and roar like a lion.
Divine blessings for you: Blessings of kindness,goodness and generosity.
About the Tarot Reader: Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with several years of experience in different energy healing modalities such as Spiritual Response Therapy, Emotional FreedomTechniques, Reiki, Osho Zen Tarot and Bach flower therapy. Visit her website – www.ahamm.org. For one on one sessions contact: 9811128979.