We Thank You For Your Overwhelming Response

SUBURB received an awe-inspiring response to the writing initiative it rolled out ‘Unleash the Storyteller in You’ to break the monotony and build mental health during the Lockdown period.
The Covid19 pandemic took the world by storm. The resulting lifestyle patterns, norms, dos and don’ts, uncertainty and the prolonged period of lockdown all makeup to the new world, post-pandemic.
Writing is Cathartic
The idea of curating ‘Reflections of the Unprecedented Times’ was to balm, it was a tool to gather your thoughts and pen them down. As we all know Writing is Therapeutic, it is a stress buster which helps us focus on better goals bringing clarity in ideas, reducing the fear of unknown.

SUBURB’s ‘Unleash the Storyteller in You,’ an initiative to share your reflections about the extraordinary times that we are living. The inkling behind the effort is to drive home compassion, not comparison or competition to let your thoughts unleash. An opportunity platform to express yourself and share with us your learnings and experiences of being caught in a situation no less than a Sci-Fi which most of us enjoy watching on the screen. Not did anyone of us know that we humans shall get caught in the multiple strains of the invisible virus. If to believe the Bat Woman Shi Zhengli, a Chinese virologist, many more of such attacks are yet to come, making Covid 19 just a beginning!
Flooded with Response
The response has been overwhelming even from people outside Delhi NCR. Across various age groups, the reactions have been very thought-provoking. Students, working professionals, parents, senior citizens have poured their thoughts and sent to us, unbridled their emotions, fears and shared hope for a better world.
Panel of Readers
We may call it a panel of judges, mind you not to judge but read your writings. They are literary luminaries in their own right with years of experience in both creative and professional writing. NeenaWagh a published writer and mentor for parents and children with special needs; Amit Shankar, an advertising professional-turned-author with five fiction titles and two poetry collections to his credit; Vineeta Jerath Grover, Co-founder & editor SUBURB is a US certified NLP practitioner and a Reiki channel.
Our sincere apologies to those who shared their writings in any other language than English. Due to our limitation, we have enjoyed reading their write-ups and poetry but will not be able to publish in SUBURB. To keep track of your article getting uploaded, follow us on suburblive.in.