You would soon be able to churn out messages out of your mobile such as Hey, on the way, just overflew Jaipur, landing in 20 Or post a selfie with a title – In-flight food sucks Or make a call and say ‘sorry, couldn’t take your call, flight was going through turbulence’ and so on.
Yes, domestic flights will soon have WiFi available to passengers. So no 2 hours of solace anymore. No more waiting to touch ground to call while taxing and appear impatient. Call your driver from 30,000 ft altitude now and check if he has arrived at terminal to pick you up.
Show your love, attention & care by being in touch while on board a flight. Do a con-call onboard and impress boss & team. Download those emails and upload those pictures. Let the whole world know that you like to stay connected even when on flights.
Initially, it may be expensive and be seen as ‘show off’ but don’t bother about what people think. You go ahead and be ‘live’ and kick off whatever reading habit is left in you. All the more reason now for you to not look at the person seated next to you and no, that’s not the place to relax and have a nap. You have much better options on your phone. Let the universe fly with you.
And, if not for any other reason, do it for the sake of additional few bucks for the Airlines and Telcos. They both need badly.