Jokes apart, it’s seriously dangerous. This may happen again and again. On flight, in the street, inside a restaurant or a mall or in the theatre, anywhere. No dearth of ‘Kamaras’ with smart phones in hand and fury inside for a slur on journalism.
This must have been quite humiliating for a man to remain dead silent at this verbal attack, who otherwise displays his verbal diarrhea every ‘tonight’. Becoming victim of your own style of gimmickry, applied by someone else can be tough. When you replace anchoring with ‘one way barking’ on national television and shamelessly display your sycophancy under the garb of nationalism, you ought to be ready for public ridicule.
But the ‘Kamra’ way is way too dangerous. The nation wants to advise tonight – be careful.
This piece was first published in the print version of SUBURB February 2020 issue.