“I pledge to save the girl child from womb to tomb”

Maharashtra Governor and Health Minister join hands with Dr Sunita Dube to “Save the Girl Child from Womb to Tomb Campaign.”
‘Save the Girl Child from Womb to Tomb’ campaign in its 18th year now started by Dr Sunita Dube Founder, and Chairperson Medscapeindia-AMET. She is a radiologist, philanthropist and social worker. She says, “The existence of human life on earth is impossible without the equal participation of both women and men, and to save humans from extinction, we have to take measures to save girl child.”
The 10th MedscapeIndia National Award Trophy was launched on 5th October by the governor of Maharashtra Shri Bhagat Singh Koshiyari in the presence of the National Presidents of the medical fraternity.
MedscapeIndia works at the grass-root level to ‘Save the Girl Child’ dealing with the prevention of female foeticide by changing their mindsets.