Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Living & Learning Through Lockdown


Lockdown…a situation I never experienced before in my life. The word lockdown itself is so fearful as this social distancing keeps you away from your family and loved ones. Life came to a standstill with the thought that things would not be normal for quite some time.

PM Modi’s initiative to salute our healthcare warriors through bells was a great experience. Watching our neighbours in their balconies and the whole country coming together to fight this pandemic brought a sense of community and togetherness.

The Challenges

The extended lockdown in the country brought the perils of no transport and people over stocking essentials with the fear that commodities wouldn’t be available till lockdown ends.

I remember moving from one shop to another for groceries because there was no stock left in shops. Wearing mask and gloves in summers, sanitising hands, washing all vegetables and groceries with extreme came became a part of routine and an added responsibility. Whenever there was a doorbell, our guards would go up!

In this journey I got an opportunity to serve food to daily wagers who were walking to their villages. It was painful to see them partake this difficult journey with small children and their belongings.

Gratitude & New Learnings

Though everything was silent l, I was grateful that I had a helper at home as many families were struggling with their household chores due to lack of part-time helpers. Life gave me time for myself, practising meditation, sunbath, yoga and a time to reflect upon myself. I also experimented with cooking new and exciting dishes for my family.As a yoga teacher for more than 20 years, I adapted to the new lifestyle and started online yoga classes from home and settled with my routine.

This time also showed me the importance of blue collared job workers – plumbers, electricians, drivers, servicing and maintenance workers, etc. We lived with leaking taps, light issues, no means of transport and so many more little things we don’t pay heed to. I even had to live with my broken spectacles as the opticians were not working during the lockdown. Another funny incident during this time was when a tubelight in one of my rooms stopped working and there was no means to get it fixed or step out to buy a new one! Thankfully, a small dimmer helped us get through the ‘dark times’ (pun intended)

Life has always been to learn every day, live with it and be content in every situation. It has been a wonderful experience and self-introspection during this lockdown. I have also seen the change in my children for the better.
My daughter’s wedding was scheduled in Calcutta in August and even the invites had been sent out. But as they say, Man Proposes…God disposes.

About the Author: Rupa. T. Chotrani has been a Yoga teacher for 20 years and lives in Mumbai. She is on a mission to transform lives of people towards healthy living & teaches yoga to age groups ranging 3 years to 80 years…facilitating them to gain health and tranquillity by releasing any physical pains, stress and anxiety. She also trains children from slums to empower them with good health.

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