Your Tarot Cards – July 2022. Read by Sujata Malik

Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with two decades of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT) Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one-on-one sessions, contact: 9811128979.
What does your July Tarot say?
Aries (21st March-20th April)
Personal: The month is favourable for romantic relationships. You will be well supported by friends and family.
Finance: Your finances are good and you will meet all your targets wisely and effortlessly.
Travel: Professional trips are indicated overseas. Make the best and grab the opportunity.
Emotions: Confusion may arise in relationships leading to differences in romantic associations.
Health: Some minor health problems may emerge due to stress. Exercise, meditate and relax.
Colour of the month: Light yellow
Lucky number: 5
Cosmic tip: Avoid negative thinking particularly while eating.
Taurus (21st April-21st May)
Personal: There may be life-changing decisions and you will be supported as well.
Finances: Unexpected profits and new jobs will help you achieve your financial goals.
Travel: Push yourself out of the couch, take a walk and spend time with nature. This will lead to opening up travel avenues for you.
Emotions: You may face heartbreak in order to fulfil your dreams so be strong enough to face it.
Health: Take a break from all the chaos in your life and breathe a fresh breath. Take care of your posture in particular.
Colour of the month: Green
Lucky number: 9
Cosmic tip: Eliminate envy
Gemini (22nd May-21st June)
Personal: A dose of enthusiasm and good luck will emerge on the personal front.
Finances: You may take reasonable risks as you enter new ventures. Luck favours you.
Travel: Short trips to beautiful locations will be offered with family and friends. This is a good stress buster.
Emotions: You will face emotional challenges as a lot of sadness and grief from the last relationship may surface.
Health: Health will be affected as skin issues may trouble you. Avoid the sun and stay indoors.
Colour of the month: Pink
Lucky number: 6
Cosmic tip: Work out at least thrice a week.
Cancer (22nd June-22nd July)
Personal: You will be in the limelight engaging in pleasurable conversations as your mood will be positive and light.
Finances: Good luck flows with you, refreshing your financial status.
Travel: Great opportunities of travelling abroad with exceptional work opportunities will present themselves.
Emotions: Challenges leading to emotional upheaval in your relationships will make you feel weak and vulnerable.
Health: Some illness and instability in your health will arise but you will be rejuvenated as the month progresses.
Colour of the month: Maroon
Lucky number: 2
Cosmic tip: Do not get too excited as you may risk losing the opportunity.
Leo (23rd July-22nd August)
Personal: Some misunderstanding between you and your siblings may bother you mentally. Be patient and trust the process.
Finances: Your efforts to expand your career and finances will give positive results this month.
Travel: A solo trip is indicated to detox from your overbearing social life.
Emotions: You may feel betrayed and suffer emotionally. Learn to balance the head and the heart.
Health: Take care of your diet to achieve overall good health. The stomach and throat are overly sensitive.
Colour of the month: Orange
Lucky number: 3
Cosmic tip: Plant seeds of positive thoughts in your mind’s garden.
Virgo (23rd August- 22nd September)
Personal: You will be in the spotlight and centre of attraction on personal and professional fronts.
Finances: There will be a sense of fulfilment and you will experience joy as you take account of your financial Investments.
Travel: Travel may take a back seat as you are caught up with several activities on the work front.
Emotions: There will be emotional challenges in your relationships but your support system will uplift you easily.
Health: You may face problems due to poor health. Check your diet and involve yourself in physical activities.
Colour of the Month: Lavender
Lucky number: 5
Cosmic tip: Express your heart’s desire without fear.
Libra (23rd September-22nd October)
Personal: An auspicious month will bring you favourable outcomes in all your ventures.
Finances: It is time to take control of leftover or pending financial deals and bring them to completion.
Travel: With the stars in your favour you may travel to foreign countries giving you a well-deserving break at your favourite destination.
Emotions: Emotions are going to be heightened this month. Several new emotions will emerge much to your own surprise.
Health: Health could suffer due to sleep deprivation and anxiety.
Colour of the month: Pink
Lucky number: 7
Cosmic tip: Everything happens in its own time. Trust the process and do not rush.
Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)
Personal: Good favourable opportunities will present this month giving you an opportunity to prove yourself.
Finances: Extremely favourable month to achieve your financial goals stabilising your funds.
Travel: Work can present travel opportunities to foreign countries. A real blessing in disguise.
Emotions: Positive emotions with love and gratitude fill you this month. This strengthens your relationships with yourself and your loved ones.
Health: Engage in more physical activities and practice meditation to bring your mind to calmness.
Colour of the month: Brick red
Lucky number: 2
Cosmic tip: Be patient as the universe is going to open its arms and reward you.
Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)
Personal: Eliminate comparison with others. You are unique and blessed with capabilities that you need to trust. Stretch your arms and welcome abundance.
Finances: Refresh and reflect on self-limiting beliefs and identify where you need to focus your energy to allow the finances to flow in.
Travel: Regain your energy at various levels as you take several short trips both personally and professionally. Enjoy the adventure.
Emotions: Planetary changes will bring up emotional outbursts creating sensitive days impacting your mental health, meditate daily.
Health: If you have gone through any illness in the past you will get relief from it now. Your good health routine will lead to a positive attitude.
Colour of the month: Dark red
Lucky number: 6
Cosmic tip: Connect to the sun for a few minutes.
Capricorn (22nd December-21st January)
Personal: Connect with nature, go for a long walk to relax your nerves. Controversy will emerge on the personal front so be open-minded.
Finances: Difficult situations in career and financial front may be experienced Financial targets and rewards may not be met. A change of strategy is needed.
Travel: Good time to make travel plans and quite a bit of travel is expected both inside and outside the country.
Emotions: Discord and disharmony are expected in family relationships leading to stress. Keep your professional and love life separate for mental peace.
Health: Exceptional health benefits will be experienced this month. No major health hazards are visible.
Colour of the month: Purple
Lucky number: 3
Cosmic tip: Talk to nature and appreciate its beauty.
Aquarius (21st January-19th February)
Personal: Luck will favour you this month to improve the weaker areas of your life. Use this opportunity skilfully.
Finances: Your positive attitude and effort in dealing with your finances will give you desired results helping you to achieve all your financial goals.
Travel: A short trip is predicted with your family members this month. This will help to release stress and anxiety as it is needed for your mind and soul.
Emotions: Handle your emotions carefully as any outburst or argument could lead to breaking up with your loved one.
Health: Minor health issues may surface and this could push you to take up a new fitness program.
Colour of the month: Mauve
Lucky number: 4
Cosmic tip: Trust in yourself and all your relationships.
Pisces (20th February-20th March)
Personal: Keep your calm and try avoiding arguments with your seniors. Connect to your deeper self for your growth.
Finances: Expect some delays in your financial transaction but still stay optimistic. Some new developments may bring about positive changes for your good.
Travel: This is not the best month to travel as you may encounter problems particularly if you are travelling to far-off places.
Emotions: Keep your temper under control and keep a check on the words that you utter.
Health: Keep a check on your health as aggression and anger could make you feel guilty and fixed. Be patient.
Colour of the month: Green
Lucky number: 4
Cosmic tip: Be patient as slow and steady wins the race.