Your Tarot Cards – June 2022. Read by Sujata Malik

Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with two decades of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT) Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one-on-one sessions, contact: 9811128979.
Aries (21st March-20th April)
Health: Emotions may disturb your health; you may feel excluded or rejected, leading to feelings of self-sabotage. See things from a broader perspective.
Career: You are blessed with new opportunities this month. Abundance in your career is indicated, which will further boost your confidence.
Finance: Make wise decisions in financial transactions and avoid any partnership or collaboration.
Relationships: Be your natural self in relationships dissolving all separations and ego walls.
Angelic Guidance -The angels bring you all the love and support. So, accept it fully.
Taurus (21st April-21st May)
Health: Lack of support may make you feel fearful and unwell. The universe supports you all the time.
Career: Listen to the guidance and surrender to your gut feeling. Make the change if necessary.
Finance: It’s a month of giving and receiving due to balancing out your financial statements.
Relationships: You are about to develop a healthy relationship with an old long-lost friend or associate.
Angelic Guidance- Pay attention to numbers recurring in your life. This can mean a message from angels, so stay focused.
Gemini (22nd May-21st June)
Health: Move away from the environment or surroundings that drain you. And do as much only as you can.
Career: Your current work situation may seem challenging. So, seek out help and support from people far and wide.
Finance: Keep your efforts focused and invest wisely. It shall help you to secure your future.
Relationships: It’s time to be in touch with ground realities in your relationships and break out of the drain bubble.
Angelic Guidance- You are a natural healer, so take a moment to look inwards and introspect where you need healing.
Cancer (22nd June-22nd July)
Health: Health will be blooming as you drop off limiting beliefs and ideas of past illnesses.
Career: Take a reality check on where you are in your career. Avoid getting carried away with false promises and projections.
Finance: Take control over your expenditures and spend and invest wisely.
Relationships: Welcome and embrace all the love and joy all around. Celebrate your relationships fully.
Angelic Guidance- The angels bring you the loving assurance that everything is ok. The universe is always in perfect divine order.
Leo (23rd July-22nd August)
Health: The alignment between head and heart is perfect, and it brings good health to you, and more stability.
Career: The work front is exhausting and draining. Avoid any unethical or illegal transactions.
Finance: Welcome funds with open arms paying off all your debts quickly.
Relationships: Ground yourself in your relationships as you move slowly but surely towards your goals.
Angelic Guidance- The energy and love of the universe radiate back at you. Feel it and be proud of yourself.
Virgo (23rd August- 22nd September)
Health: Focus on spiritual growth will allow you to overcome all physical, mental and emotional blocks from the past.
Career: You are your own master so work ahead with confidence trusting in your skills as you move forward in your career.
Finance: Cherish your financial gains and allow yourself to splurge if needed.
Relationships: Breaking off in a relationship for self-preservation is essential to building healthy boundaries.
Angelic Guidance- The angels ask you to listen to your inner self rather than following the path laid by others.
Libra (23rd September-22nd October)
Health: All your focus on your exercise and diet in the past allows you to experience good health this summer.
Career: A month of ease as you now come into stabilizing things on the career front.
Finance: Your creativity and intuition will guide you into financial stability.
Relationships: You will experience unconditional love this month as you open yourself to giving and receiving love.
Angelic Guidance -Laughter brings joy and positivity. Welcome happy days as the universe asks you to see the brighter side of your life.
Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)
Health: Emotional health gets impacted, leading to physical discomfort due to chronic or inherited illnesses.
Career: Stagnation may be experienced in your career as you need to break from the past and move ahead to the new opportunities coming your way.
Finance: Invest wisely. Your past investment shall bear fruits, and you get an opportunity to help others in their investment.
Relationships: Connect with your inner self to balance and ground the most crucial relationship in your life with yourself.
Angelic Guidance- Trust your intuition and follow the road that the angels are guiding you.
Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)
Health: Anxiety and trauma may make you feel emotionally imbalanced. Be patient and listen to your body for all is well.
Career: Mental stress from seniors could make you feel suffocated and suppressed at work. Dissolve the separation and integrate with their perspective.
Finance: Divine blessings and grace will shower funds from known and unknown sources. Receive with grace.
Relationships: You have evolved in all your relationships and understand people better. Share this understanding for long-lasting relationships with others.
Angelic Guidance- It is an excellent time to start afresh activities or opportunities that interest you. Know that the universe is on your side.
Capricorn (22nd December-21st January)
Health: As you release memories of the past and doubt, you will experience new positive breakthroughs in your health.
Career: Avoid any controversies in your work area, trusting your inner abilities. Meditation will help.
Finance: Joyfully and playfully receive the abundance that you truly deserve. This financial status belongs to you.
Relationships: Faith and trust are the foundations of a good relationship. Drop any doubt and feel worthy of being loved.
Angelic Guidance- The angles are always next to you, guiding you; close your eyes and ask for the help you need in your life.
Aquarius (21st January-19th February)
Health: It’s time to be silent, allowing your body to experience all the good health it deserves.
Career: Opportunities will fall at your doorstep, giving you permanent success in all that you do.
Finance: You will attract fortune beyond expectations. Stay focused and calm, and grounded.
Relationships: It’s ok to drop some expectations if it improves and brings in more profound love and compassion in your relationship.
Angelic Guidance- Open yourself to new relationships in your life, as the universe is ready to bring the perfect love.
Pisces (20th February-20th March)
Health: Receive the benefit of good health effortlessly as you have worked a lot in your past.
Career: You have used unethical ways to deal with things at the work front, and you are solely responsible, seek forgiveness in your prayers and learn from your past mistakes.
Finance: Financial situation is excellent and stable. Drop the need to be greedy as you have more than you need.
Relationships: Cherish the happy time with your loved ones as you deepen your relationship. Consciously drop any comparison that comes up in your heart.
Angelic Guidance- The angels ask you to be true to yourself and others and pay attention to things around you.