Tarot reading – March 2022 for you

Sujata Malik is a seasoned therapist with two decades of experience working with various energy healing modalities, including Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT) Reiki, Tarot Readings, Bach Flower Therapy and more. For one-on-one sessions, contact: 9811128979.
Aries (21st March-20th April)
Health: Health may need attention as the summer sets in, so be aware of your body’s requirements.
Career: The situation at work is not very fair this month. Your intentions may be good but will not be received well in your work surroundings.
Finance: you may find yourself clearing all the monetary debts from the past. Trust the process.
Relationship: The feeling of loneliness may appear as you find yourself a bit detached. However, it will help you to build a relationship with yourself.
Taurus (21st April-21st May)
Health: Spring brings you fresh energies as all the past health problems will fade away and allow you to live fully
Career: The opportunities are right at your door however, the key is in your hand to unlock it and welcome them. Push ahead
Finance: The journey might be a bit rocky and ask you to experience financial insecurity, but you will easily reach your goals.
Relationship: Immoral behaviour in your relationships will make it rocky. Reach out to friends and family overseas and experience their love for you.
Gemini (22nd May-21st June)
Health: Stomach issues could surface and lead to discomfort, allowing healing to happen.
Career: Receive the work that comes your way. Go with the flow as it’s time to fulfil your potential. Take opportunities.
Finance: Be careful and alert while dealing with people in financial matters. Keep your records clean and think before borrowing money.
Relationship: Open your heart and fully enjoy with your loved ones, as it’s a month for cherishing your relationships.
Cancer (22nd June-22nd July)
Health: Let go of past health issues and feel wholeness when you drop these thoughts off your mind. Your body is healthy, and it is time for you to enjoy it fully.
Career: It is a time to take risks and do all that your heart desires. The sky is open to you and takes the leap and progress ahead.
Finance: Do not doubt your financial stability by evaluating in mind. Know that all your funds are available for you through all that your heart desires.
Relationship: Perfect month to give and receive love; allow yourself to connect to the unconditional love that you hold in your heart and share it with all your loved ones.
Leo (23rd July-22nd August)
Health: View your health situation and see all the negative thoughts, patterns, and diseases accumulated from the past. Take control, clear your mind and heart for a healthy you.
Career: You may find it challenging to complete your targets or complete your assignments on time this month. Pull up your socks and trust the process. You can fully accomplish it.
Finance: Drop the need to control your finances and limit your life. Understand that avenues are open to fulfilling all your financial needs.
Relationship: Move away from your egoic mind and connect to the light in your heart. Be fully present and live fully in your relationship to strengthen it in all aspects.
Virgo (23rd August- 22nd September)
Health: Let all your desires and dreams to manifest a healthy body now become true as you see many changes happening not only in your body but in your entire life.
Career: Check in with your heart and see what aligns with your energy in your profession. Drop all resistance and move ahead.
Finance: You possess treasures you have built with your hard work; use them efficiently and effectively to fulfil all your needs.
Relationship: A lot of resistance is building around your closest relationships. Open yourself to new beginnings as a lot of change enters your life this month.
Libra (23rd September-22nd October)
Health: It is time to re-evaluate your health problems. As they are more in your mind than in reality. Let go of fears engulfing your heart, open yourself and let the body heal itself.
Career: Enjoy the profits in your work. All opportunities for you to express your full potential are presented now.
Finance: Watch each step with vigilance and spend according to the need of the hour. Do not overspend or take loans.
Relationships: A burst of confidence will help you embrace all your relationships this month. As you get comfortable with yourself, you will see how easy it is to move ahead in all your relationships.
Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)
Health: You have been ignoring your health in the past, but it is now time to look inwards and love your body.
Career: Your career path may seem very difficult and challenging; hang in there and see your potential as you succeed in every aspect.
Finance: There will be a beautiful balance in receiving and giving in all your financial transactions. Be open to giving as much as receiving funds.
Relationships: Your mind will bring up doubts and unnecessary thoughts to tarnish your relationships. Allow yourself to be a part fully and embrace the relationships as you are fully loved by all.
Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)
Health: Your mind will feel very confused and depressed as you will feel that there is much work to do. This will impact your health. Slow down and let everything unfold in its own time.
Career: You need to control the work situation not to get trapped further. There could be a transfer or promotion on the cards. So, open yourself to the move.
Finance: Stay calm and patient as your funds flow in freely and efficiently to meet all your needs.
Relationships: You have all your loved ones near and around you always. Keep moving in this space and feel fulfilment in all your relationships now.
Capricorn (22nd December-21st January)
Health: Emotional up-evils will stress your health this month. Just allow yourself to rest and move into the unknown, knowing that you are fully supported and your body can take care of itself.
Career: Take a break from the robotic work set-up as it will exhaust and burn you out.
Finance: You may feel the burden of past loans and debts. It is time to repay, so if need be, take the necessary action and repay your dues.
Relationships: You may be feeling cut off and isolated in your relationship. Look at it in the present situation and enjoy what you do. Drop the need for future commitments now.
Aquarius (21st January-19th February)
Health: You are blessed with good health emotionally, mentally and physically. Cherish and love your body.
Career: Stay focused on your career path and know that you are moving in the right direction with full force.
Finance: It’s a time to play around with your investments and stock market if it calls you. Know that all the elements fully support you to move ahead towards financial stability.
Relationships: Your energies are open and vast to attract the perfect soulmate. So, take the risk and connect to anyone who calls or draws you and receive the love that you fully deserve.
Pisces (20th February-20th March)
Health: You seem to be moving towards brighter health with all the changes you have bought about in your inner and outer surroundings in the past few months.
Career: Acknowledge your job and continue doing the needful. It’s not the time to step away, and there’s more to be done.
Finance: You have been holding on to a lot of your finances. It’s now time to put it all out and receive the benefits knowing that it will exceed your expectations.
Relationships: You may be feeling that your relationship is one-sided and there is no reciprocation from your lover. That is only your ego-mind speaking, give love and see how much you will receive.